About Yeleswaram
Yeleswaram village is well known as the "Gate way of agency" in East Godavari District as it is mostly surrounded by the tribal areas. It is located 50 kms away from the district head quarters Kakinada. The name Yeleswaram is derived from the local river called "Yeleru". There is a reservoir which is build on the river by its name Yeleru. People of Yeleswaram in and around mostly depend on Agriculture. It is known for rice, sugar cane, banana crops. Sweet potatoes, Tomatoes and many other vegetables and lentils are also cultivated here. Alluri Seetharamaraju, one of the most eminent freedom fighters often visits saibaba metta in Yeleswaram at the time of freedom movement. A freedom fighter and Indian National Congress leader Chandaka Apparao belongs to this village. Yeleswaram became an independent panchayat in 1953 from Lingamparthi village and upgraded as Nagara Panchayat in 2013. There is a small Hydro Project (4.5MW) and a solar power plant in Yeleswaram.
Brief History
Government Degree College, Yeleswaram was established in the year 2009, as per G.O. Ms. No.22, dated 28-02-2009 based on the representations of local people.
The college is affiliated to Andhra University and got permission to start four (04) Conventional courses viz., B.A (History, Economics and politics)-TM, B.Com. (General)-TM, B.Sc. (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry)-TM & B.Sc. (Botany, Zoology, Chemistry)-TM from the academic year 2009-10 to 2011-12 and affiliated to Adikavi Nannaya University Rajamahendravaram from the academic year 2012-13 onwards. Also, introduced four (04) new courses i.e. B.Sc.( Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry)- EM & B.Sc.( Botany, Zoology, Chemistry)- EM as conventional courses and B.Com.(Computer Applications)-EM & B.Sc.(Computer Science)-EM as Restructured course from the academic year 2018-19 onwards.
The college is conducting student centric activities such as debates, quiz, seminars, peer learning, student study projects, field visits, elocutions and essay writing competitions etc., for students. The college is also conducting extension services such as blood donation camps, Aids awareness programmes, awareness programme on PCOS etc., as per the instructions of higher authorities. Apart from regular activities, the college NSS unit conducts community service regularly.
Our NSS regular volunteers are participated in all social events and a good support to government organizations. They proved themselves socially committed citizens with good academic records. This is the only Government Degree College for the 6 mandals Yeleswaram, Addateegala, Rajavommangi, Prathipadu, Shankavaram and Kathipudi. We need new infrastructures and renovation to certain structures to fulfill the demands of new courses to be introduced in future. We are planning to introduce skill based courses and market oriented courses in future which need additional infrastructure, equipment and staff.
With highly experienced principal, qualified and dedicating teaching staff, striving hard for the upliftment of poor and down trodden sections of the society of Yeleswaram.